So apparently Hell-ary Clintons camp is going broke. allegedly some of her senior staff members are working for free and word on the street is she contributed 5million of her own money towards her own campaign. YES 5 mill as in
$5000.000.00..(This is probably why she didnt have any commercials in Georgia)
On a good note Barack is taking this thing one leap at a time he has garnered 7 million since last tuesday and is still breaking campaign fund raising records nationwide. This warms my heart. YES I am an Obama supporter and NO its not because he's black but because he the strongest candidate on the trail and speaks to all people and can unite the US like no other on all levels. Do I want a female President?? Hell yeah I would love it. Our country has been ran by men since its inception and look where the hell we are now, However I dont believe that woman should be Hillary clinton. It should be Michelle Obama. Soemtimes I support Barack just because she is his wife.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Witch is Dying
Posted by J-real at 1:48 PM 0 ShiTTy Comments
Labels: Barak the Vote
Imma Let It Go
So word on the street is that the talented Ms Janelle Mona'e has in fact signed with Bad boy records. To this all I have to say is "Heaven Helpa" It is no secret that this Making Da Band series is Diddy or Sean John or wuteva the hell he calls himself nowadays, last ditch attempt to save his fledgling record company. If Diddy does Janelle wrong I know alot of children here in ATL that wont be too happy and will prolly whip Diddy and his lil P%$$y Boy crew...Do they even have a name for their wack ass band yet?
Posted by J-real at 1:39 PM 1 ShiTTy Comments
Labels: Run Cindy Mayweather Run
THANK YA!!!!!!
So yall know that around my house Alexyss K Tylor is GOD and their is no other!!! Well here she is with "DICK'LL MAKE YOU LOOSE CONTROL" This is my shit for 08 DJ play it in the club one mo gen
Posted by J-real at 1:44 AM 0 ShiTTy Comments
Labels: Stand in vagina power
Classy Blax on Wax
And we wonder why black folks aren't allowed in through the front door. Oh wait I was under the impression that we were still in the year 1862 or was it just this classy picture of this modern day sambo that just threw me all off.
Instead of D's you need to throw some "CLASS" on it
Posted by J-real at 1:00 AM 0 ShiTTy Comments
U figure it out
So my homie Fresh from Crunk and Disorderly obtained this pic of the guy she calles the Tang Master Himself, Andre Leon Tally (The dude who fucked J-Hud up at the Oscars with that tacky ass mess of a dress) Well she asks a simple question, what do you think is happenin in the pic? My guess is he is chumpin this hoe off after confrontin
him about sleepin with her husband. I can see it now *floats off into a vision*
ALT: Bitch I slept with him and I'll do it again
Woman: I will beat dat ass
ALT: Bitch try it and I will dress you in my tacky ass tang-tastic clothes for the rest of your life
Woman: Aight u straight, u straight.
Posted by J-real at 12:32 AM 0 ShiTTy Comments
Labels: all types of "WRONG"
Wus good I know I been gone for a minute but G-State is killin me right now Soooo Missy is having a contest that calls for her fans to name her next album title. Well my entry was the one above "TWAT IS HOT" now if I come up missing because Mis-demeanor peoples came out and committed a felony on me then keep my one wish alive and "bury me a G"
Heres the official press junket:
February 5, 2008 (New York, NY) - Five-time Grammy Award winner Missy Elliott is giving fans the opportunity to name her new album, due out on Goldmind/Atlantic late Spring 2008. Fans can enter immediately via Missy's website, The contest closes on February 20th and the winner will be announced on March 2nd. The winner will receive credit on Missy's new album and a $500 "Respect Me" adidas gift card.
Posted by J-real at 12:24 AM 0 ShiTTy Comments