Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This is an utter trag (pronounced tradge) This man has done something that TD Jakes Madea, Tyler Perry, and Siciliy Tyson couldnt, he has restored my faith....praise him on high.....hallelujaRR!!!!!

(Thanks Mawusi)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Are You Ready Now?

So I have Been M.I.A for a hot lil minute but I'm back its just been alot going on with school and all other facets of this train wreck I call a life...lol but here is something me and my friends came across the other night while reminiscing on old late 80's early 90's commercials (those were the days) I feel sorry for kids growing up now they will never witness the extreme hillarity that these old commercials evoked and yes this was a mix done about the Medic alert or life alert thingy that was out back in the day. I had to get about 3 ass whoopings for laughing at that old lady when she fell out the bed.