Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Witch is Dying

So apparently Hell-ary Clintons camp is going broke. allegedly some of her senior staff members are working for free and word on the street is she contributed 5million of her own money towards her own campaign. YES 5 mill as in
$5000.000.00..(This is probably why she didnt have any commercials in Georgia)

On a good note Barack is taking this thing one leap at a time he has garnered 7 million since last tuesday and is still breaking campaign fund raising records nationwide. This warms my heart. YES I am an Obama supporter and NO its not because he's black but because he the strongest candidate on the trail and speaks to all people and can unite the US like no other on all levels. Do I want a female President?? Hell yeah I would love it. Our country has been ran by men since its inception and look where the hell we are now, However I dont believe that woman should be Hillary clinton. It should be Michelle Obama. Soemtimes I support Barack just because she is his wife.

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