Monday, July 7, 2008

Aww-ShiTT random thought for Right now

Why didn't Nicole Sherzinger make it on her own?

Here is a woman who defied all odds by being a star amongst a group of not 4 but 6 girls, who had one of the hottest singles ever ("Watchu Like") which also featured T.I and Lil Wayne as T.I's stand in when he couldn't make it, and manged to perform very well in the face of adversity with a name that most people can't even pronounce. I definitely stans for Nicole and I'm hoping she loosens those Pussy Cat Doll shackles of no talent wanna be's who are wayyyyyy over rated and really depend on Nicole to justify any talent that the group may have. If you don't believe me check out the youtube song clip below. Its not a video its just the song "super Villain".

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