Monday, February 18, 2008

Dear God

I was browsing through D-listed today and found this funny tid-bit that made my day hopefully it will make urs.

Grammy night was not Aretha's night. She got pissed off at Beyonce for calling Tina Turner "the queen." Beyonce's daddy fired back at Aretha by calling her "childish." Now Peta is on Aretha's ass for wearing that fur coat. They fired off a letter to the Queen, "Music lovers may think of you as a 'queen,' but to animal lovers, you are a court jester . . . Why not shed the old-fashioned look that adds pounds to your frame and detracts from your beautiful voice? Please consider donating your furs to the homeless as 'queen of compassion,' Mariah Carey, did. You'll get a tax credit for the donation, and we at PETA will all sing your praises."

Peta has a point. Whatever animal Aretha is wearing is now extinct. It took at least a million of them to make her coat. On the other hand she probably ate the animals first, so she found two uses for them. Aretha didn't know she was wearing fur! She just told her people, "make mama bear warm!" So they did.

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