Monday, February 18, 2008

Brit's Civil Right have been violated?

So allegedly a source has confirmed that Britney might have to take it to the streets and get all MLK on bit*$es: “Britney says her civil rights have been violated and she wants to talk to Governor Schwarzenegger about it heres what she the "source" had to say "Last month, Spears was twice committed into mental care. But she also believes her inability to keep a lawyer in her continuing custody battle with Kevin Federline is a “civil rights” issue. “She wants the governor to look into why she can’t get an attorney,”

Hmm maybe I can help you out Brit, how about you just keep looking the way you do, you know that lil Martha-jean crack whore look you got goin there, lawyers will just throw themselves at you. Better yet how about you just keep making it so easy for these lawyers to fight your custody battle by locking yourself in the bathroom with your kids while singing "its my party and I cry if I want to" that will bring sooo much legal help your way. Trust me I know about these things. My cousin Shaquila took my advice and ended up gettin her kids back from D-fax after her house was raided and everybody knew she was doin hair, hustlin, babysittin and sellin frozen cups out her back door.

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