Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Dear Rocsi,

You and I have been together for two years and in that time we’ve become family. But sometimes we foolishly take family for granted and sometimes with family we take it too far. So let me say my dearest Rocsilla, I took it too far that Friday with my comment and I hope that you will forgive me. You are one of the most beautiful, talented and ambitious people I know and even the idea that I may have hurt you with my teasing has made me sad. From the bottom of my heart I hope that I will never ever ever hurt you again. It’s just not the same. A strong man needs a strong woman, so Rocsi please continue to be my rock. I have to take some time off from the show now but I hope to see you soon.

Love Terrence

Yes the above is a letter that Terrence "ALLEGEDLY", wrote Rocsi, that Mario read on yesterdays show (106&fart), the letter was an attempt to make up for the fiasco that unfolded a week or two back when Rocsi walked off the stage for Terrence making inappropriate jokes towards Rocsi. However if you want the real scoop NeCole Bitchie has it, so hit the clip THE REAL DIRT FROM NECOLE

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