Thursday, June 26, 2008


So in lue of Naomi's recent plea of guilty to assaulting two officers, a flight attendant, her maid, her lawyer, 3 Jehovah's witnesses, The Harlem Boys Choir, and her Asian Toe Technician PaDing Fong, Nelson Mandela recently declined to invite Naomi Campbell to his 90th birthday extravaganza in London. She was able to come to the dinner that was thrown on his behalf but was taken off the list of presenters who would introduce music artists to the general public at the birthday celebration. Mandela also allowed her to do a line of coke off his belly but that was about it. ~Disregard the last line~ *very not true* All the coke that Naomi does has nothing to do with or is no where near the Honorable Nelson Mandela

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