Sunday, February 10, 2008

Albinos on Crack the series part1

"Leave Bwitney alone!!!"

Oh My God you people just dont get enough.. She had like 8 kids, 3 abortions, 2 miscarriages, and ate one of her dogs by mistake and yall still keep fucking with her...She fucking went through 2 divorces and had an affair with a big jail lesbian but none of that matters to you people... all you want is MORE MORE MORE.
I love that Chris Crocker youtube clip but seriously this is why people talk about her ass. She looks like this hoe from around the way we use to throw rocks at named "Freaky Friday". MESSAGE TO BRIT "DON'T GET HELP" GET SOME BLACK DICK it did wonders for that hoe in Black Snake Moan

Just a quick message to white would be the time to kill yourselves because between Hillary and Britney yall just look sooooo not good right now

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