Sunday, December 28, 2008


So on Xmas day myself and a few friends went to see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button and I must say that the movie was really good. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a lot of Oscar nods this year because it was actually an excellent film which broke away from this years lackluster performances and album trends. Although 2008 wasn't so great of a year in music or movies this one definitely sets itself apart.

Teraji P. Henson is one of the characters in the movie who surprised the heck out of me because she actually stole the show, putting on a great performance as Benjamins adopted mother. (She loved that ugly little boy with everything she but for real Im not one to do free advertising but this movie is a must see, although the end is quite creepy and once you see it you will know exactly what I'm referring to.

2 ShiTTy Comments:

Unknown said...

Interesting. I dont know if I will see that movie but it sounds interesting.

Monsieur Lloyd said...

I dont think any actor stood out as stealing the show, I think the ENTIRE ensemble was INCREDIBLE. Everyone complimented one another. And each actor committed. Not a weak link in that chain. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVED IT!