Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So its no Secret that Rocsi from EBT's 106 & Fart walked off stage last week after her and co host Terrance got into it. So I visited my good friend in the head Angel over at Concrete Loop and allegedly they got a tip that Rocsi is on definite leave for up to 3 weeks and Her and Terrance both mey be in the food stamp line soon. The tipster even said that Rocis was on the block for a minute, they just been tryna find a way to karate Chop her ass and I guess this was it???

Heres what the Concrete Loop Tipster had to say,

"Rocsi has been put on indefinite leave for her stunt last week. If you didn’t know she walked off the stage on Friday after Terrence continued to harass her. She will not be making any appearances on the stage for the next 2-3 Weeks. And rumor is around here that they plan on replacing both of them by the end of the year..

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